Invoices // Invoices overview

Timestamp enables you to create invoices based on your time and expenses, pushing them to your preferred third-party invoicing app to send and manage payments from. The currently supported invoicing add-ons are:

Enabling invoices

Invoices disabled

Click Enable an invoice add-on now and find an add-on that supports the Invoicing capability - see the red circled add-ons below:

Invoices choose add-on

Click Enable for your chosen chosen add-on and follow the set-up process outlined within the add-ons help section.

Invoicing ready

When your have enabled an invoicing add-on you will see the following screen when going to the invoicing app area without having created any invoices:

Invoices ready

Initial invoicing status

Once an invoicing add-on is enabled, you may see the following warning when trying to create an invoice:

Invoices initial enabled

  1. You can only invoice Clients that were imported or merged from your chosen add-on. The initial import can take up to 20 minutes.
  2. By default, imported Projects will not be set to billable. Make sure that any Project you want to invoice is billable, and make sure that rates have been set at a Project, Task or Member level.

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